General Information

During the year 2000 D J Clark built a visual record of the Lancaster & Morecambe district using photographs and information submitted by those that feature in the pictures. The project was conducted in association with Lancaster Museum and has been archived for future generations to look back at the district at the turn of the new Millennium. For more information on the project visit the information page. If you find a caption is wrong or there is a fault with the page please e-mail D J Clark.

Date: July 22nd 2000
Location: Various Locations

Photographer's Diary

Saturday 22nd July Peripatetic Promenaders - Lancaster

This was a festival that had run for many years and one I had shot before. After a short break from my morning's excursion I made my way to Market square and met up with the City Council Arts and Events Team. They had just bought a digital camera but were unsure how to use it. I showed them. The performers were fun and attracted a good sized audience, but the pictures were not exciting to me. I documented the event and used the excuse to wander the streets for some more informal images of the City on Saturday.
