General Information

During the year 2000 D J Clark built a visual record of the Lancaster & Morecambe district using photographs and information submitted by those that feature in the pictures. The project was conducted in association with Lancaster Museum and has been archived for future generations to look back at the district at the turn of the new Millennium. For more information on the project visit the information page. If you find a caption is wrong or there is a fault with the page please e-mail D J Clark.

Date: June 10th 2000
Location: Morecambe high School

Photographer's Diary

Morecambe High School Fair

This was a strange affair. Somehow the organisers had persuaded a number of large fairground attractions to come along, but the field was relatively empty and the rides too. I walked about for a few minutes and found some dancers These were the same girls I had photographed and the Children's concert at the Ashton hall. This time I could get close and grab some reactions from the small but appreciative crowds. After the show the dancers leaders (from Dance incorporated) approached me and asked for some formal pictures. I took them and said I would like to visit the school at some time.

After a picture at the coconut shy I moved on.
